Dev Japan

A community for developers in Japan

Dev Japan logo

This is a group for developers, engineers and related backgrounds in Tokyo. You should join us if you need a place to work, need motivation to work on a project, want a little background noise while working, or are just starting out and need some advice about development and programming. Any skill level and developer genre is welcome. 

There are quite a few people who would like to become developers/programmers but are all self studying. When they hit roadblocks and have questions, this community will give them the opportunity to ask the other participants questions about the particular problem they're working on. 

In the end if you lack motivation or a space to get work done, this meetup group can solve that problem for you. You may be able to find someone to work on a project with you or give you a clue to a problem you've been trying to solve.

If you're unable to attend or want to plan a project before attending, connect with us:

• https://devjapan.jp (under development)

• https://facebook.com/devjapan

• https://twitter.com/devjapan

Site Renewal

As another side project I'm planning on relaunching the dev japan website. I'll likely take a nextjs template and customize it to fit my needs.

The tech stack will likely look like:

  1. Frontend Framework

    • Next.js

    • Typescript

    • Tailwind CSS

    • React Context

  2. Hosting & Deployment

    • Vercel

    • Automatic Deployments

    • Preview URLs

    • Edge Functions

    • Image Optimization

  3. Analytics & Monitoring

    • Vercel Analytics

    • Sentry