Design Japan

A community for designers in Japan

Design Japan logo

English at the bottom.

Design Japanはクリエイターの方々にコミュニケーションの場を提供し、アイデアを共有したり、新しい考え方を学んだりするイベントです。国内外を問わず、クリエイティブに関わるアーティスト、デザイナー、フォトグラファーの方や、そういった人々からの意見が欲しい方のご参加をお待ちしております!





This community was created with the intention of bringing creative people together. 

You should join if you are a designer, an artist, any kind of creator or creative person, or anyone seeking feedback from the people just listed. 

The goal is to bring creative people together, both domestically and globally, in order to share ideas, gain insight, and make connections each other.

our objectives are as follow:

  1. receive knowledge from our peers and industry elite.

  2. share our work with each other with the intention of receiving meaningful feedback.

  3. make lasting connections with each other.