Agritect Summit, Hackathon, and Accelerator, organized by Nikkei Inc., took place between 03-06, September, 2017.

Agritect Summit (Ag/SUM)

Japanese agriculture faces problems such as an aging population and a lack of successors. AG/SUM was launched in 2017 with the aim of introducing the latest technology to turn agriculture into the sustainable growth industry that the 21st century aims for. It covers a wide range of areas, from labor-saving technologies such as robots and drones, to efficient production using data and AI, to distribution and management of produce. It also looks at cutting-edge trends in food tech and biotech, and will discuss the path to creating a growth industry that can expand globally by combining them with the power of fintech.

For Ag/Sum, I served as the technical lead for the overall summit, the hackathon, and accelerator program. The majority of participants in the overnight hackathon came from the developer and designer communities I created and managed.

Dev Japan & Design Japan